January 22, 2023

Home Care Must Be Part of the Solution to Our Healthcare Crisis

The 'Health Care Crisis' has been all over the headlines in British Columbia as we suffer with overcrowded hospitals and staffing shortages which has led to delays in British Columbian's accessing the healthcare they need. Home Care needs to be part of the solution and we need our provincial government recognise and support this obvious and affordable solution. 

It takes time and significant capital expenditures to add capacity to our exiting acute care hospitals, whereas Home Care can be delivered quickly, and perhaps most importantly, can keep people--particularly seniors--out of hospital in the first place by keeping them healthy at home.

Home Care can Relieve the Healthcare Crisis in a Number of Ways:

Reducing Hospital Readmissions: Home Care can provide follow-up care for patients who have been discharged from the hospital, reducing the likelihood of readmission. 

Empty hospital beds = room for admissions.
Faster admissions = Paramedics getting back out on the roads.

More Paramedics on the roads = faster response times and improved health outcomes (seniors waiting 6+ hours for an ambulance when they've fallen and broken a hip is simply unacceptable).

Lowering Healthcare Costs: Home Care is far less expensive than hospital and can be more affordable than nursing home care, which can help to lower overall healthcare costs.

Improving Patient Outcomes: Home Care can provide continuity of care which leads to improved patient outcomes.

Reducing the Burden on Hospitals and Nursing Homes: By providing care at home, Home Care can reduce the number of patients who need to be admitted to hospitals or Assisted Living or Long Term Care facilities, which can help to alleviate the financial burden on our Ministry of Health.

Improving Patient Satisfaction: Home Care allows patients to receive care in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes, which can improve patient satisfaction.

Supporting Ageing in Place: Home Care can help seniors to age in place improves their overall well-being and can reduce the need for institutional care.

Providing Care during Pandemics: Home Care can provide care during pandemics and other crises, which can reduce the spread of infection and can help to protect vulnerable populations like seniors.